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Opera: Monster

Opera: Monster

オランダ国立オペラ座のための「モンスター」 Monster for Dutch National Opera While I was working for the Academy Award-winnig Hollywood designer Eiko Ishioka, she asked me to design a skull-shaped helmet for the opera “The Valkyrie,” the second part of the Ring series composed by Wagner. I...
Treasure Box in Wood

Treasure Box in Wood

木の宝箱 Treasure Box in Wood I was initially trained as a craftsman because I was born to a family of 14th generation traditional Japanese woodworker. This piece I designed and made by hand was sold at a gallery in California for USD 1,200. About 30cm in height....
Opera: Helmet

Opera: Helmet

オランダ国立オペラ座のための「ガイコツヘルメット」 Skull Helmet for Dutch National Opera While I was working for the Academy Award-winnig Hollywood designer Eiko Ishioka, she asked me to design a skull-shaped helmet for the opera “The Valkyrie,” the second part of the Ring series composed by...